Not a chill to the wind but a nip to the air when the Boys of Summer gave way to the Men of Fall as the Basehits (4-0) took the field for the final game of their historic 20th year. The evening began ominously as the 9:00 championship gametime start was well delayed due to an epic battle between the Bourgeois Scum (2-2) and the Shaggers (3-1), which compelled both of the Basehits’ faithful to make an early exit.
With a warmed up Shaggers riding a 7th inning come-from-behind win, it was imperative for the Basehits to set the tone with their much touted Hits defense and they did not disappoint. The stage was set for what the Baasehits are all about, as Bobby “Iron Man” Ortiz led off the bottom of the first with a solid single to left. Brian “Eat, Drink & Be” Murray followed with a slow roller to short that set the table for Danny “Baseball” Lashkoff to drive in the first run with a shot up the middle. Rich “Don’t Do Grove” Stayman followed with a single to left and Robo “Hop-Along” Sullivan plated the second run a la the basehit mantra with yet another solid single. Even the first out counted as Loren “Big Unit” Carjulia drove in the run with a deep sacrifice fly,