
Art is how we decorate space, Music is how we decorate time

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take it from your heart put in your hand

January 12th, 2006 · No Comments · Manila Home Page Archive

French frosting: A vineyard lies coated in ice after a freezing rain near Strasbourg, France.

The Drifters bostonreview
Why the Supreme Court makes justices more liberal
(via metafilter)

Billy Beane Visits AN: Offseason Edition pt2 (pt1)

Alsace in Anderson Valley sfgate
Chilly Mendocino County nurtures the distinctive white grapes of northeastern France

Metropolitan Area Food Prices and Children’s Weight Gain ers usda
This study … finds an association between the relative cost of fruits and vegetables and excessive weight gain by elementary-age children.
(via sautewednesday)

If it’s not one thing… mivins
All those years the right wing sat around yammering about government incompetence, and it took this administration to make it true.

Tracking a Recipe 1999/2005 - Toasts with Chocolate, Olive Oil and Sea Salt


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