They lifted up the sun, the privilege has been won, the limits now are none. The Soft Bulletin II has begun.
Lick a boobie, lose all your money
— when it sounds too good to be true …
(via bOING bOING)
Molly Ivins – ‘Magic’ turning us into toads
— the Telecommunications Deregulation Act of 1996
blog : hotornot
Green Lantern -vs- Aquaman
Sex and the Titty — a new trend?
Boy’s penis eaten by ass. no worries, it’s sewn back on
(via FARK)
Laugh of the Month
Watford fan give’s his bird hep, she slags him on the team message boards; bored fans egg ’em on.
notable quotes
- Beats the day to day pre season blues.
… not sure if he means a real goat or an old goat if you know what i mean
… deserves to be deknackered, deknobed and deceased …
enough for this morning Brian i will have to save some stuff …
i bet u didnt tell this lot …that your dad is a Luton Fan
my dad thinks you gave pete one up the backside
anyone seen the new bit of grafitti at Bushey Arches?
Lesson of the story – Be it goats or slappers – always wear a dunkie
you deserve a medal for not chopping his knackers off…
… goalkeepers, “wing halves”, alphabetti heppi
They put their bog roll in a bin for fcuks sake
… whoever told him that dipping it in bleach and scrubbing it with sand paper…
… a call from Brians mother last night she called me a silly little biitch
I never said anything about Hep E – I said I wanted to drop out and become a HIPPY!!!

— the longest thread ever?
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